Monday, June 4, 2018

2B Mindset Month 1

One month ago, a program called 2B Mindset was released and I can honestly say it’s changing my life. This program is NOT a quick fix. It will take time, dedication, and patience. But I truly believe it will pay off!

2B Mindset was created by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Ilana Muhlstein, for the company, Beachbody. The product includes 40+ videos of Ilana teaching you about the purpose and function of different foods, how to combat emotional eating, how to change your mindset around food in social settings, how to think about meals if weight loss is a goal, and SO much more. The product is intended to aid emotional eaters and I have found that to be 100% correct! It’s called a “mindset” and not a diet for a reason, there are no forbidden foods, no measuring of foods, and she never asks you to restrict your eating. Here is my review and experience with 2B Mindset at the month 1 mark.

Nutrition Education
Wow have a learned a lot about the purpose and function of different foods! Do I need energy? Eat a fiber filled carb. Do I just need to feel full? Veggies most! Do I need to stay full for a while? Get that protein! I cannot say enough good things about how empowering it feels to learn about food and my body!

Intuitive Eating
I’m a huge supporter of intuitive eating. Still am. But I personally needed a little more guidance with the “gentle nutrition” part. For me, 2B Mindset fits this perfectly. I feel like I’ve actually been able to eat more intuitively since getting started with 2B Mindset. My biggest challenge with intuitive eating has been stopping when full now that I have no “restricted foods.” But as I’m learning more about my body with 2B Mindset, I’m also learning to respect my body more. As I’m growing in respect for my body and seeing weight loss results, I feel less like wanting to trash it by eating past full. A diet is temporary. When you diet you can’t wait to reach your goal so you can, “go back to eating what you want again.” But 2B Mindset is a mind shift. It’s education. It is learning how to eat in a loving way.

The Tracker
The 2B Mindset program also comes with a daily tracker. You don’t record portion sizes, measures, points, or calories, you just write what you eat. So much more intuitive than actual diets. The purpose of tracking what you eat is to be able to look back and understand more about how your body reacts to different foods. That’s it. It’s a learning tool, not a shame and guilt provoker.

The Scale
If you follow any anti-diet or BOPO leaders on social media you’ve seen the rants about the scale. Throw it out! The scale doesn’t measure your worth! Etc. And I agree, the scale doesn’t measure your worth. But it can give you valuable information to hold you accountable to reaching a goal you’ve set for yourself and promise you’ve made to yourself. 2B Mindset encourages you to weigh yourself every day. Yep, read that again. Weigh yourself everyday. I was REALLY hesitant about this part of the program, but I decided to go all in. The basic belief around weighing yourself daily is to learn about how your body responds to different foods. Did it go up? It’s a “learning day” look over your tracker with eyes focused on learning about your body. Did it go down? It’s a weight loss day, look over your tracker and celebrate your body! Ilana clarifies the purpose of the scale more eloquently than I ever could in her videos, so you’ll just have to join me with the program to find out more!

Weight Loss
2B Mindset is designed to help you lose weight. If you’ve been following my journey for a while you know I’ve gained weight and I’ve been having a hard time accepting it and feeling comfortable in my bigger body. I’ve been praying for my eyes to be changed so I see my body with love. I’ve been reading about body positivity and body acceptance. I’ve started following plus size models and leaders in the BOPO movement for inspiration. But the joy of my new body just wasn’t coming. I was loving my food freedom and hating my body. I was still treating my body with hate by eating WAY past full simply “because I could.” And I just didn’t feel like this was my body. So I made a decision. I DO want to lose weight. But I don’t want to restrict. I don’t want to count points or calories only to feel like a “failure” for not abiding by the “rules.” 2B Mindset is THIS answer for me! It’s been one month and I’ve lost 2.8 - 4.4 pounds (depending on the day). You may be thinking, “Um, that’s not very much.” I agree! Any program that comes with quick weight loss is likely a quick fix diet and won’t be sustainable. But losing 3-4 lbs per month? That sounds healthy and sustainable!

When you purchase 2B Mindset, you also get to join an incredible online community support group. This group is filled with people like you and me. They struggle with emotional eating. They struggle to feel positive about their body. They want to encourage each other. They want to get results. It’s great accountability and encouragement!

Join Me

Does this inspire or encourage you to try 2B Mindset? It would be an honor to walk through this journey alongside of you and have you join our team! Email me, or fill out this google form to get on my team!

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