Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Five Lessons 2017 Taught Me About Body Acceptance

The New Year is a great time to reflect! So I thought I’d take a moment to share some lessons I’ve learned on my journey in 2017.

#5: Get Into a Like Minded Accountability Group

In February of 2017 I came face to face with my disordered eating habits and body dysmorphia. That realization led me to start this blog and also to explore and learn from others who share this struggle. I signed up for a 6 month accountability group with The Body Love Society and it was well worth the money. Although I wasn’t “cured” after 6 months of the group, it helped me persevere in this fight for body freedom. It was a place where I could be honest and listen to other women’s honesty about this fight. Plus the coaches, Jenna and Lauren, are amazing, encouraging, and uber knowledgeable.

#4: Get Help

I don’t know if it was my first out of state move, just my stage of life, or what, but in September of 2017 I was feeling really down about myself, my career, my marriage, and mostly…. my body. I was really struggling with my weight gain and I knew I needed to get some professional one on one help to dig through my dirt. I started seeing a therapist in my new state and I’m so glad I did. If you’re struggling on this journey I encourage you to get help too. Don’t know how to find a therapist? Check out this website and start your therapist search.

#3: Kick Comparison to the Curb

Instagram, facebook, snapchat, etc… they fuel comparison in our minds. How many times have you felt shame when a friend posts a sweaty workout selfie on Instagram? How many times have you looked through the “On this day” section of Facebook only to beat yourself up for gaining weight over the years? How many times have you looked at other women’s bodies with envy on snapchat? We have got to stop! Stop following people that make you feel this way! Fill your social media with REAL women, with body positive bloggers, and with anti-diet nutritionists instead. For a list of some ideas check out my previous post titled, The Power of Social Media.

#2: Focus on Your Mindset Daily

Time and time again I have heard mentors talk about the importance of your mindset on this journey. It feels silly at first, but stick with it! Fill your morning with positive thinking. Mentally envision yourself conquering your day and what that looks like for you. I use this Affirmation Reminder app to help me focus my mindset each morning. I’ve pre-programed (and reprogramed a few times already) the app with affirmations that matter to me. Currently mine is loaded with 5 affirmations from this She Is More article. What do you want to be true of your life each day? Write it down and remind yourself of it. every. day.

#1: Let Your Worst Fear Come True

Finally, my number one lesson learned in 2017 is to let your worst fear come true.
What if my husband wants to leave me?
What if my husband doesn’t find me attractive anymore? Will he leave me?
Will I be accepted if I gain weight?
Have you had those thoughts? Gaining weight has been my biggest fear for quite some time now. And it wasn’t going away even as I started this journey toward body freedom (despite desperately hoping it would). And in 2017, my biggest fear came true. I gained weight. I don’t know how much weight exactly because I had to let go of the scale long ago, but as I shared earlier in my post titled, New Clothes, I needed well… new clothes. And guess what? I’m still married! My husband still adores me! I am continuing to work on body acceptance at this new size, but I’m much further along in the process than when I started! So be patient! Keep fighting! My worst fear came true, but I’m still here to talk about it!

Adios 2017 and welcome 2018! I know this will be another year on my journey and I hope you’ll continue to journey with me!


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