Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Power Of Social Media

Social media.

Do you have positive or negative thoughts when you see those words? On one hand, social media is a wonderful way to stay in touch with friends from seasons past or miles away. On the other hand, it’s often a killer of time that leads to feelings of comparison, shame, and jealousy. And I am totally guilty of falling into both the comparison trap as well as playing my highlight reel for all to see.

But setting that aside, I have suddenly found a new power in social media. Since starting my Journey With Me blog, I’ve also started a Journey with Me instagram account (@journeywithme.juliana). I’ve carefully and mindfully chosen who to follow on my Journey account. I’ve filled it with dietitians, nutritionists, licensed therapists, eating disorder recovery counselors, body positive activists, and other bloggers struggling with disordered eating and body dysmorphia. And it’s the most amazing thing! I love scrolling my instagram feed. Seeing that I’m not alone. Seeing encouragement. Seeing freedom happen. I had no idea this type of community existed until I put some hashtags on one of my pictures. I never thought of using social media as a way to find encouragement. As a way to share my journey. As a way to connect with others who share my struggle.

Experts are out there and want to help. For example, one book that has been really helpful on my journey is Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield RDN, and one of her signature practices is “spiraling up” (you’ll have to read the book to get it). I posted a photo with #spiralup and to my amazement @rebeccascritchfield herself responded to my post and gave me great advice and encouragement!

Other women who have found freedom in their relationship food are out there and want to help. Through a maze of hashtags or maybe a “recommended for you” suggestion on Instagram I somehow found Jenna Free’s Instagram account (@youaintyourweight) when she posted about a free 5 day Intuitive Eating Challenge she would be hosting via her blog, You Ain’t Your Weight, and closed Facebook group. So I joined. It has been a great way to learn more about how to make Intuitive Eating my lifestyle (not another diet) and connect with an actual person who is mountains ahead of me on this journey.

I’m finding social media to be an incredible tool in my toolkit to help me take steps forward on this journey! If you want to get started on this kind of social media journey, some of my favorite inspiring Instagramers are:

Be sure to check out my instagram page as I’ll be reposting some of my favorite encouraging posts all week!

Your Journey

Have you even used social media to find encouragement? Who do you follow and find encouragement from? Comment below.


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