Sunday, February 26, 2017

Daily Journey Starters

The biggest shift I've felt in myself on this journey has been learning the power of positive thinking. Learning I have a choice about what to believe about myself. I start every single day by writing down at least 3 of the following statements. I focus on which ever statements I need to tell myself that particular day. When the negative thoughts - the shame, the body bashing, the paralysis by analysis - inevitably start creeping in later in the day, I’m reminded of the commitments I made to myself earlier that morning.

Here are some of my daily journey starters:

  • I believe I can change
  • I believe there is freedom
  • I am a manager of my thoughts
  • I believe I can change my thoughts about myself
  • I am worthy of love exactly as I am today
  • I believe there is freedom from body bashing and obsessive meal planning
  • I am worthy of changing my thoughts
  • I am worthy of living in freedom
  • I believe I can stop snacking out of boredom or discomfort
  • I believe I can change the way I see my body
  • I am worthy and capable of change and freedom
  • I am kind to others, but also to myself
  • I believe I can eat dessert and snacks and not feel shame
  • I believe I can let go of the fear of weight gain as I learn to trust my body with food
  • I believe there is freedom from a constant desire to lose weight
  • I believe in body kindness and self-love and self-care
  • I am worthy of self-love
  • I believe I can forgive myself for all this struggle has taken from me
  • I believe I can gain weight and still be worthy
  • I believe I can gain weight and still be beautiful and confident
  • I believe there are no “good foods” and “bad foods”
  • I believe I can eat intuitively. I believe I can wait to eat until I’m hungry. I believe I can stop eating when I’m full.

I will continuously update this list as I continue through this journey!

Your Journey

What statement would you add? Comment below!


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