Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Book | Body Kindness

I love that author of Body Kindness, Rebecca Scritchfield, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). She went to a lot of school and completed a lot of hours truly learning about nutritional health. This makes me feel like she really does know what she’s talking about and gives her words validity!

I am currently reading through Body Kindness myself, but it’s a slow process since I stop to journal about 3 times in every section! This book is helping me to realize how many rules I’ve created for myself around food, how many “bad foods” I have totally cut out of my diet because of fear, and how to take some first steps toward freeing myself from the diet mindset. Rebecca encourages readers to “spiral up” and identify activities and thought patterns that set us on a path to being our best selves that day!

Buy the book, buy a journal, and get excited!


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