Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Podcast | Trish Blackwell #168: Strong Self-Care

I loved this post because she reminded me that “self-care is NOT selfish.” It’s so easy for me to feel like taking time to stretch or walk or laugh is selfish because it’s not productive, I’m not helping someone, I’m not getting something done. I appreciated hearing that self-care is integral to love others well! Plus she has a great self-care assessment (80 questions!) you should listen to and check out in her show notes.

The 5 self-care areas I want to focus on are:

  1. I stay in contact with people who are important to me
  2. I recognize and acknowledge my strengths
  3. I find things that make me laugh
  4. I read for learning and personal development
  5. I do a physical activity that I enjoy outside of a “workout”

Your Journey

Look at Trish's list of Self-Care Assessment questions, which 5 you do well and which 5 do you want to work on for the next month? Share your list with us below!


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