Tuesday, February 21, 2017

About My Journey

Hi there!

Let’s just get right to it…

I enjoy eating vegetables, it’s not too hard for me to resist drive-thrus, and I find time for the gym consistently. From the outside, people might see me as healthy, but inside my head are the most horrible put downs and self-loathing you could ever imagine.

I feel like I have been in a fog off selfishness, body bashing, people pleasing, perfectionism, and self put downs on and off for over a decade, but especially the last five years. Yet despite this fog, in the last 5 years I’ve somehow managed to commit my life to Jesus, excel in my professional life, get married, and build deep lasting friendships.

Have you ever cried on your way home from a date because of all the body bashing you’re doing in your own head? I have. Twice. Have you ever been so wrapped up in the ‘what you want to eat, but know you shouldn’t eat, but really want to eat’ cycle that you have no idea what the people around you are even talking about anymore? I have. Have you tried to stick to diets and the nice little legalistic boxes of food rules they give you only to disobey and feel immense shame and failure? I have.

But I’ve recently made a friend who is the most real, inspirational, motivational person I’ve ever met. She used to be like me, like us maybe. She used to have thoughts like mine about herself. She used to binge and body bash and diet and be a slave to the scale, but she’s changed. She’s no longer controlled by food and body image. I see her walk in confidence and freedom and it gives me SO much hope that the same is possible for me.

I’ve discovered my “issue” isn’t really about the food or the workouts. It’s about my mental health. It’s about the thoughts and beliefs I tell myself all day long. And they need to change. I cannot let life pass me by like this any longer. I am determined to get truly healthy; mind, body, and spirit.

There is something wonderful about an encouraging friend. There is something hopeful when you hear someone else share openly about their struggles and know you’re not alone in those crazy thoughts you have. We all need someone courageous and encouraging to walk through this journey of true health, self care, and self love who believes they can change.

I’m inspired to be that girl to other women who are stuck in the body bashing, diet box, shame cycle. I created this blog as a place to share my journey of triumphs and tribulations with complete honesty. Journey with me as I navigate this difficult, frustrating, and deep road of learning to love my mind, body, and spirit better.

I’m not on the other side… yet, but I’m filled with hope that I will be someday. If you want to come along on this journey with me, please subscribe for weekly(ish) inspiration, updates, and honesty. Let’s journey together!



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